Professor Emeritus of Neural and Behavioral Sciences
Email: kda1@psu.edu
Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Career Chair in Neuroethics
Email: lcabrera@psu.edu
Research Interests: neuroethics; ethics and social implications of emerging technologies, science, technology and society; public perceptions
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/lcabrera
Dorothy Quiggle Career Development Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Email: huanyu.cheng@psu.edu
Research Interests: material composites; mechanics of materials; structural design; transient electronics; soft deformable multimodality devices
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/chenggroup
Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mechanical Engineering Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: fxc8@psu.edu
Research Interests: biomechanics of brain tissue and blood; multiscale modeling of continuum systems, computation mechanics and finite elements; computational microscoustofluidics
Lab/Personal Website: fmcostanzo.com
Assistant Professor of Biology Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: nzc27@psu.edu
Research Interests: neuropeptidergic modulation of discrete neural systems and circuits in the context of psychiatric disorders using electrophysiological, pharmacological, imaging, and behavioral approaches
Lab/Personal Website: crowley-lab.org
Professor of Mathematics
Email: cpc16@psu.edu
Research Interests: neural network theory and neural coding; topological data analysis; applications of algebra, combinatorics, and dynamcial systems to neuroscience
Lab/Personal Website: personal.psu.edu/cpc16
Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Email: sud70@psu.edu
Research Interests: bio-inspired solid state devices; neuromorphic computing; smart sensors; energy-efficient electronics
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/sdas
Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Email: csd12@psu.edu
Research Interests: multiscale and multiphysics modeling; nonlocality and entanglement of brain structure and functions; continuum mechanics; medical image processing; elastography; models of tumor growth; computational analysis
Associate Director, Penn State Neuroscience Institute Huck Distinguished Associate Professor of Neural Engineering and Neurosurgery Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: pjd17@psu.edu
Research Interests: neurovascular coupling and cerebrospinal fluid flow; brain mechanics; 2-photon microscopy, electrophysiology, optical imaging, and optogenetics and chemogentics; behavioral monitoring; computational modeling
Lab/Personal Website: www.drew-lab.org
Assistant Research Professor of Neurosurgery
Email: ageronimo@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
Research Interests: brain-computer interfaces using invasive and non-invasive measures; assistive technology; statistical modeling; digital health monitoring; motor neuron disease
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/geronimo
Director, CNE Director, CDNE Training Program Professor of Engineering Sciences and Mechanics Professor of Neurosurgery Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: bjg18@psu.edu
Research Interests: multimodal measurement of brain function and dysfunction especially in animal models; mechanisms of instability in epilepsy; seizure associated spreading depolarization; sleep regulation and its impact in neurological diseases; linking computation modeling of neural systems to physical systems
Lab/Personal Website: sites.esm.psu.edu/wiki/research:bjg18:start
Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Neurorehabilitation Associate Professor
Email: xxh120@psu.edu
Research Interests: Mechanical Sciences; Sensors & Controls; Bi-directional neural-machine interface, neural rehabilitation, control of biological and bionic hands, assistive technologies, and health monitoring
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/nml1/
Associate Dean for Physician-Scientist Development Distinguished Professor of Neurology Chief, Division of Movement Disorders Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology Distinguished Professor of Neurosurgery Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology
Email: xuemei@psu.edu
Research Interests: multidisciplinary approaches to understanding both etiology and neural mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases; drug mechanisms; brain neurodegeneration related to disease and aging
Lab/Personal Website: research.med.psu.edu/brain
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Email: vui1@psu.edu
Associate Professor of Physics
Email: dzj2@psu.edu
Research Interests: neural mechanisms of birdsong; auditory system, neuromorphic computing, and neural image processing
Lab/Personal Website: personal.psu.edu/dzj2
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Email: muk42@psu.edu
Research Interests: integrated circuits; wireless neural interface; implantable medical devices
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/icsl
Associate Professor of Neural and Behavioral Sciences
Email: yuk17@psu.edu
Research Interests: cellular architecture of the nervous system and how it supports cognitive functions; high-resolution 3D brain mapping; neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, and neurovasculature; serial two-photon tomography; light sheet fluorescent microscopy; systems neuroscience; neuroinformatics
Lab/Personal Website: kimlab.io
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Penn State Cancer Institute
Email: szk416@psu.edu
Research Interests: functional ultrasound imaging; photoacoustic imaging of brain activity; implantable focused ultrasound devices; blood brain barrier opening
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/biophotonicsandultrasoundimaginglab
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Email: rhk12@psu.edu
Research Interests: computational brain biomechanics; sensor enabled cloud based brain computing; design and modeling of neural implants
Lab/Personal Website: psucompbio.org
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Email: nbl5194@psu.edu
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/decisionneurolab/
Eberly Chair in Statistics Professor of Public Health Science
Email: ril4@psu.edu
Research Interests: high-dimensional data modeling and inference; nonparametric and semiparametric regression modeling; statistical applications to social behaviorial science, neural science, and engineering
Lab/Personal Website: personal.psu.edu/~ril4
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: lian@psu.edu
Research Interests: human stem cell engineering; stem cell differentiation; CRISPR-Cas9, base, and prime editors for genome editing; modified RNA technology
Lab/Personal Website: bme.psu.edu/labs/Lian-lab
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Institute for Computational and Data Sciences
Email: xxl213@psu.edu
Research Interests: multimodal neuroimaging techniques and computational methods; function-related signal features in healthy and diseased brains
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/mcnl
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Email: jmmongeau@psu.edu
Research Interests: neuromechanics and control of aerial and terrestrial locomotion in animals and machines; predicting the organization of animal control systems through mathematical frameworks; testing predictions using electrophysiology, 2-photon imaging, optogenetics
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/mongeau
Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Email: ito1@psu.edu
Research Interests: bioprinting; tissue engineering
Lab/Personal Website: personal.psu.edu/ito1
Assistant Professor of Neural and Behavioral Sciences
Email: amp7167@psu.edu
Research Interests: establishment of terminal cell-type identity during neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental disorders; single-cell signatures of cellular state in addiction; cell-type specific risk and resilience in aging and Alzheimer’s disease; technology development for single-cell genomics and cell-type specific gene targeting
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/paullab
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Email: eproctor@psu.edu
Research Interests: systems biology of neurodegenerative disease; immunometabolic coupling and inter-cell-type communications in the brain; computational modeling of disease mechanisms across multiple length scales; statistical modeling, complex networks, and machine learning
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/proctorlab
Distinguished Professor of Anthropology
Email: jta10@psu.edu
Research Interests: craniofacial development and disease; imaging of biological form; mouse models of craniofacial disease; quantitative study of biological form and form change; craniofacial morphology and dysmorphology; evolutionary developmental biology; relationships between ontogentic mechanisms and phylogenetic change; molecular basis of craniofacial development
Lab/Personal Website: getahead.la.psu.edu
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Email: axs22@psu.edu
Research Interests: neural control; wave localization; robotics; nanosystems
Assistant Professor of Biology
Email: gos5257@psu.edu
Research Interests: Studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive shifts in arousal, which are crucial for understanding maladaptive arousal in neuropsychiatric disorders such as anxiety and addiction
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: jxy30@psu.edu
Research Interests: design and biomedical applications of citrate biomaterials; skin, blood vessel, bone, cartilage, and nerve regeneration; micro/nano-composites for orthopedic devices; bioinspired adhesives for wound healing; materials, cells, tissue bioimaging using fluorescence, MRI, or photoacoustic imaging; immune cell-mediated cancer drug delivery; point-of-care chloride sensing for cystic fibrosis diagnosis
Lab/Personal Website: bme.psu.edu/labs/Yang-lab
Dorothy Quiggle Career Development Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics; Biomedical Engineering
Email: cmy5358@psu.edu
Lab/Personal Website: yuresearch.github.io/
Professor of Biomedical Engineering Professor of Electrical Engineering
Email: nuz2@psu.edu
Research Interests: functional MRI; brain networks; neural modulation
Lab/Personal Website: sites.psu.edu/zhanglab1
Assistant Professor
Email: tzz5199@psu.edu
Research Interests: Engineering Science and Mechanics; Biomedical Engineering